We went to the beach with honey and it was fun, she got all exited and jumpy! Haha, dooogs :P
Maor made dinner and he cut everything to baby-pieces. Somehow, it made me really happy :)
Got a book from the DANES at Skt.Hans (2 actually, the other one is a spy-book and I'm a little scared to read it) HUNDEHOVED was so funny and well-written, I ate it in 40 hours. I also ate watermelon in the sun - from a plate on my thighs (a red line marking WHERE on my thighs proved me guilty for a day or two) - and I tried to shape my entire face like a heart. Instead I got a shadow-moustache, hah!
Went shopping in Tel Aviv with Anat (Maors brother Ohad's girlfriend). It was fun to get out of the village for a bit for some girly-time. I bought a cute dress from CASTRO, and cried about not having enough money for these cute shoes. I want them ALL! Also went to S. WEAR and it made me miss American Apparel.Unpacked a box and arranged a hebrew book-corner. Maor said it added character and I agreed. Look at the awesome clockwork Shalom (Maors dad) gave us. I love it! Next to it is the Book of Evidence!
Honey the Dog, what a SWEETIE! I want to draw a picture of her and another one of Basse the Pudel and hang them next to each other, CUTE! I also started decorating the walls, here with some old postcards. I love postcards, and these ones in particular. Look at Jimi Hendrix, haha thanks Daddy!
Can you see, that the blue one with red and yellow writing says Clärchens Ballhaus? I took that one at Chiara's mothers birthday party in Berlin to help me remember such a fun and beautiful summertime we had. Lovely girls who, right now, is at FUSION Festival, fun fun fun!
Some old LP's: Mitz Petel (with the bunny) was a streetfind from my volunteerdays in Jerusalem, and the next, Kim i Cirkus, I bought a fleamarket with Pidde. That was a fun day!
LAST BUT NOT LEAST! You are looking at boiling water, oh yes it IS a sensation!
We got a new cumcum (waterboiler) and we truly appreciate it - it's SO fast!
Okay enough with the pictures. You're sweet and probably really pretty too, remember that! *yaih*
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