Dad, this is for you. I love to take pictures of food and show it to you, I love to tell in details how it was done because I KNOW you're gonna love it! Turns out - so does a lot of people, so HERE:
Easiest, quickiest and crispiest thing ever: Drizzing hot oil in pan, filo-doe on oil in pan *bang* egg on filo *salt, pepper, whatever* the half-side-flip-over *crisp* ENJOY! Filo-doe can be purchased at your local (well-assorted) supermarket.
Mafrum, yum yum yum! You'll need:
- potatoes and carrots (or just potatoes)
- beef, as much as you can eat ans possibly stuff inside your veggies.
- dill, if you please..
- spices! Be creative, but the secret to mafrum is CARAWAY, grounded.
- eggs
- canola oil
- tomatoes
- rice, bread and hummus on the side
This will be fun! With your beef, make a sort of doe, a sticky mass of beef. We used shredded bread to make it stick. No eggs, too much cholesterol. Spice it up real good, remember the caraway and the dill. Oh, and caraway is: the seeds that some people put in cheese and think it's fly. They're wrong.
KOMMEN, for the danes. Onion and garlic is a judgement-call, but if you use it, really do mash it WELL.Slice your veggies so they look like the top-pics - 2 cm I think will be fine, make it smile with a good slice in the middle and fill it with meet. Sqwush it together, do yourself a favor.
EGGS, I said you'd need 'em and then I said they were too cholesterolish, but eggs in AND out would be too much. Fork the eggs together in a deep plate and heat your oil.
Don't be cheap with the oil. Don't!
Flip your mafrum in the eggs before putting them on the pan, like the picture shows, and fry golden on both sides. Then take the mafrum OFF the pan.
Make a tomato-sauce, We cheated and bought a can, we're not shy about that. You can spice it up, but again - don't be cheap with the oil! I read somewhere that oliveoil and tomatoes fried up together, prevents cancer. So there's an advise.
Put the mafrum in the sauce and let it simmer under a lit, until the potatoes are soft. Serve with rice, baguette and hummus (Danes, don't freak out - Føtex has a wonderful one in their deli) ENJOY!!
We also love to eat french toast in the morning with a huge salad on the side, cottage cheese and smiles. The pic shows, blurry yeah, but shows MALAWACH which is...looking for substitute-word for yum...crispylicious. Tacky, yeah but still. It's a round piece of puff pastry, the really flaky kind, fried on the pan and served with hummus&cold tomatosauce. YUM!
Today is friday, and friday is also food-day. So as I write this, Maors mother is frying stuff in her kitchen. Frying for ALL the family. We always come by and eat schnitzel, yuuuum! Do you have any weekend-traditions? Something that marks these days from the others?
You should. Please do enjoy your weekend, and remember to REST really rest!
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