
Jun 29, 2011

Old news NEW news

If I had a blog then I would have posted it THEN, but I didn't and too bad, cause I have so many irrelevant pictures with beautiful memories that I would love to share!
One of them is SORT of relevant, thus the title "old news" (I'm not gonna tell why it ends: "NEW news" until after aaaall the pictures, boohooo)
It's a tattoo-post. Yaiks! I didn't think I would ever get one, but then I just did and I'm in love with it!
My friend Mai has a few bamboo-brown-ones and I loved how subtle they were - because they weren't really black and blue-ish (ooh you KNOW what I mean).

When I had decided to move to Israel, and as I was getting closer to THE DAY! I felt like making some sort of statement to my sisters, to let them know just how much I love them (I hope they already knew that though) and also for myself to always "carry them with me". Kind of typical thing to do I guess, tattoo-wise, but original or not I started to draw on myself for testers and I always came back to the same thing....

I took a trip with my roomies Rune and Rikke - Randi came too - and we all got inked and had fun in Fredericia (so it was also kind of a roadtrip funny day) *yaaaih* here's the proof:

 Ohh no - I certainly wasn't the first one of us. On this pic I'm asking if anyone ever DIED on her table. People could bleed to death I though. Guess that was ridiculous; she laughed at me *scared smiley*

Randi is a pro, she didn't cry or nothing. Okay I was the only one who DID. Plö, look at these crazy beautiful tattoos: LOVE (the love to be exact) and MERCY! *facebook-heart would fit nicely here*
Ulla convinced me that nobody had died in any studio (how could she really know that?) and while Rikke and Randi held my hand (and filmed me crying) I DID IT! Loook:
Pidde, Arnajaraq and Naja *looove*
So, the NEW news: Randi the Spontanious is coming to Israel!! Helene had already planned to come here for a lots of visits and then Randi decided to come too *JOY* 

now: BURGERTIME, bye!

Jun 27, 2011

Simple Diary

One of my favorite christmas presents last year was a Keel's Simple Diary, that a dear friend gave to me. Fun surprise! It's perfect for people who love to remember fun things, little things, more or LESS important things. I for one LOVE things that aren't important at all. I love to draw my day and make little notes of things that made me smile :) Like when Honey snuggles up in bed to me when Maor goes to work, it's so cute (even if she leaves a lot of hair on my pillow)

- anywho -

My plan for today is to clean the oven and microwave Maor came home with yesterday (very nice), and THAT is not the funnest plan ever, so I thought I'd share a Simple Diary Day with you and turn this cleaning-day into a FUNDAY (at least, in my miiind you saw that Eddie Izzard show? hah!)

Date:  June 27th  

Your day was (only choose one)
        ( ) sweet.   ( ) ultra light.   (X) a bumblebee.

Explain why: bumblebes remind me of Pidde, my sweet little sister (not so little anymore though, yuhw!) beCAUSE...something something about Winnie the Pooh when we were kids and then she pronounced bumblebees "huhmlerbyes" haha, sweetie (that's WHY I call her makes perfect sense I know)..
Even though today is more of a fly I'd say ....there's just so many of them and I feel like they're waiting for me outside. It's scawy! 

Right now you prefer
   a) lots of affection   b) time for yourself   c) anything really 

You cannot often bite a dog.

1. mercy, at last   2. senior discounts   3. brutal honesty   4. comfort becoming a priority   5. the right of refusal   6 . kidding around with the kids   7. more time for...   8. being entitled to kindness   9. peace of mind 
 ...I can imagine myself clapping my hands over senior day.

If you left your house right now who would you like to run into? Pidde, for sure

Do you need anything?             (X) Yes   ( ) No


Liked it? I did, and I need a glas of MASHU KAR now (something cold, that is)...I might even shave my legs later. 


Jun 26, 2011

Happy Birthday Daddy

What a young Dad I have! Just skyped with him, and it made me miss him much more. He was the sweetest - filming the screen with his new iPhone, haha. Inventive!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY! I love you so much! 

Haha this is the funniest birthday video I could come up with: "you didn't accomplish much, but you didn't die - guess that's good enough" CLASSIC! Have a nice day and let Mom spoil you! KISS!

A week has passed know how cold drinks in a cup on a hot day condenses and leaves a wet circle on your table? I keep splashing the circles all over the table AND the computer. Anyways, with a wet right arm I am now about to picture-proof that I have been alive this week :
We went to the beach with honey and it was fun, she got all exited and jumpy! Haha, dooogs :P

Jun 25, 2011

Bad Blogger

Oi oi what a bad blogger I am, but honestly - I have internetproblems! Mati went to Georgia and shut the internet down meanwhile, pssh. We COULD get angry but we wont.

I'm homesick this weekend, for two reasons:
1) Our beautiful friends Mai and Daniel are getting married TODAY
2) Tomorrow is my Daddys birthday!!

Luckily, my sweet cousin Jonas and his boyfriend Mathias (yaih lovelovelove) went to the wedding in our place and transmitted the whole thing LIVE via skype. I looooove the 21st century! I was crazy, screaming and SWEATING! Afterwards Maor said it was hard to sit so close to me and watch the screen because one: I was screaming and eeeek'ing, two: I was honestly dripping with sweat.
What can I say? Weddings are exiting!! This one was truly beautiful. Mai was GLOUHWING in her dress with her popping belly and Danni was SMILING! wow, how I wish we were there.


Guess this is the new life. Missing out on SOMETHING to be a part of ANOTHER THING

*not complaining look at THIS*
yum, peaks of out improvements tomorrow!

Jun 19, 2011

Friday, gosh.

So one thing that DIDN'T happen friday was the trip to misrad hapnim. Turned out that the office was closed when we finally got our lease from Mati the Landlord (he was telling about some big trip to Scandinavia where he apparently sailed a HOOVERKRAFT? wtf is that?).
Anywho, we will have to visit MH one of the next days. No news.

Something that DID happen was SANKT HANS on Hof HaBonim (WAS hard to find you liars), and

Jun 17, 2011

Exiting day!

Two things are happening today:
1) Misrad Hapnim
2) Sankt Hans/ danish party at Hof HaBonim beach.

I'm exited! We're on our way soon, and will be back tomorrow with lots of proof that I am not the only DANE in this country. I might be the palest dane though. We'll see ;)

Mati - our landlord - just went to our garden to pick up a waterhose and called me while writing this,  if I could help. Turns our the hose was shorter than estimated and he ended up wetting my pants. Now it looks like I had an accident. Nice. Good day to you all!

Jun 16, 2011

The Book of Evidence

Haha, okay it went a little crazy with the scrapbooking. My dad told me Misrap Hapnim will probably think we're faking cause otherwisely we wouldn't go SO NUTS. Ah, but I had fun with it and the day just flew by :) You should consider scrapbooking yourself, it's really a great way to preserve your memories. Forever, girly yeah yeah. But I mean it, and I hope Misrad Hapnim will get that TOMORROW! (if they even have time to see us *crossed fingers*)

We're gonna watch Scott Pilgrim vs. The World now and LAUGH.

Jun 15, 2011

Hirtshals 1,5% Jersey

Misrad Hapnim is the ministry of integration. They are authorized by the government, to decide people's future IN or OUT of Israel. Nice, not intimidating at all...I REALLY need a visa! Since Maor and I can't live in Denmark with the current immigration-system, we depend a LOT on these people to give us a permit to stay - so!

We wan't to impress them by being super prepared for the meeting (that COULD be this friday), which is basically a thing where we sit down and convince them that we are in fact a real couple. That kind of thing. We need to prove that my criminal record is clean (it is, don't worry about that whole bus-thing), and that I was in fact born in Denmark (done, could I BE more danish?), last thing they need is a

Jun 14, 2011

Step two: Kiss my boyfriend (iiihhkk!)

The day finally came! Have you ever wondered what would happen if you felt ALL emotions at the same time? No, me neither. But that's how I felt, I felt everything. My basic feeling was calm and steady but with all the things going on around me I laughed and cried and I felt alone and I felt brave and...well how can you explain it? What a thing to do, to leave your country. I cried when I said goodbye to my parents and Pidde, I just really wanted them to come with me.

I arrived to the airport WITHOUT my ticket, nice one yeah, but luckily Anna came to the rescue with newly printed tickets and also - she bought a burger for me, uhm. It was important for me that she was there, because when I first went to Israel it was with HER. I love you sweet swede :)

It's cool to love your family

I spent my last week in Denmark in Hirtshals with my amazing family. We had sunshine, and a water-splash-wars, and cardgames, and barbequed chicken, TWO birthdayparties, and lots of cakes (yaih). I felt overloaded with love. I feel so lucky and so blessed with my family, they are my best friends and my rocks, so thank you for being YOU. I love you, you're cool.

Step One: Sell all my Stuff

Man, I already wrote this post and somehow I deleted it. Let it never happen again *knock on wood*

So, I had this flea-market/get-together event and it was really such a good day for me. Even though, I attach too emotionally to my THINGS, it's weird yeah, so it was a challenge. BUT so many amazing people came by and they made me smile inside. I had made some cake (and Paul had too, thank you) so that also made me happy. I think I'm quite easy to satisfy.

MUST share!

Just a little brain-peek in between my many posts today. Seems normal to post more or less every day, but since my internet is failing I'm gonna have to post ALL of my thoughts TODAY. Hope you don't mind. Most of it is pink and fluffy, but THIS is truly inspiring.

I don't know if I'm gonna succeed in posting videos, but let's try..

Okay no success, but click here!

Catching up..

Wow, I've been a BAD blogger lately. Internet has failed wherever I have been, and to be frank - I have been QUITE busy! The day of my departure finally came, and as I am writing this I am sitting in my new home in Bnei Zion. It's lovely here, humble and small but lovely!

I will catch up with the days now that I have a connection and tell you all about
- Moving out of Århus
- Crossing the sea
- Moving IN to Bnei Zion

And finally I will post the last part of our Sweet Little Love Story. We can't wait to tell it to Misrad Hapnim (the ministry), even though we are scared that they won't think it's enough to give me a visa. I also have to do ULPAN, which is a language course in hebrew, and find a work. For now, Maor is our moneymaker and it's fine we don't need anything at all, but you know....a woman has to work!

The apartment we live in is a small house-ish basement-ish place. I thought at first it was standing alone, but it turns out it is in fact a part of a bigger house. So we have neighbors around us and they are smiling at us and offering their help. So we're happy :)
I forgot my card-reader in Denmark (doh) AND my glasses, so I can't transfer the pictures I took of my new surroundings, LUCKILY iPhone is here to save the day, so here is a few crappy pics to begin with. Please keep in mind that I haven't done ANYTHING yet, but I have plans, yeah, big plans ...